The second part of this week’s 2-Bullet Tuesday! See the first part here.
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Deep Dive of the Week:
Cross-Compiling Rust Applications for the Omega

Intrepid developer @shanelogsdon posted a great guide on cross-compiling Rust applications for the Omega2 using Mac OS X .

The guide covers:

  • How to find the compilation target triple (an identifier specifying the architecture, vendor, and OS) for the Omega
  • Setting up and writing an example Rust application
  • Building the toolchain required to cross-compile for the Omega
  • Cross-compiling your Rust application
  • Running the application on your Omega

See his original Tweet and the guide for more details. It might seem a little daunting at first, but the guide is clear and easy to follow. A great intro to Rust on the Omega!


Let us know what kind of stuff you would like to see featured on 2-Bullet Tuesday! Send a tweet to @OnionIoT with your suggestions!

Thanks for reading! Have a happy Valentine’s day and a great week!


♥ Team Onion

One response to “Cross-Compiling Rust Applications for the Omega”

  1. jeane soliva says:

    damn.. did not saw this one. I was looking for cross compiling rust to mips!!!