Oct 21, 2022
Current status: π’π’π’
- Production is stable and on-going!
- We don’t foresee any shortages of Omega2 devices or changes to lead time through Q2 2023
- Our core focus since the beginning of the chip crisis has been strengthening our supply chain to make sure we can still produce and ship Omega2 devices – we’re happy to report this focus has paid off
- Our distributors Mouser and Digikey are being continuously resupplied!
- See our Buy page for direct links for each product
- Accepting orders directly from customers
- Lead time is 12 weeks and other terms will apply
- See our volume ordering page for more details and to get in touch
- Lead time for direct orders – up to 12 weeks
- Lead time for orders from distributors – immediate
- Next replenishment of distributor stock – on-going
What should I do if…
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ as soon as possible
- Visit our distributors Mouser and Digikey. This is the absolute fastest way to get units.
- We’re continuously resupplying our distributors
- We recommend back-ordering if they are temporarily out of stock
- See our Buy page for direct links for each product
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ in the next quarter or later this year
- We’re accepting orders directly from customers. Get in touch through our volume ordering page and our sales team will work with you to get your order processed.
Where can I get more details on what’s going on?
Mar 4, 2022
Current status: π’π’
- Production is stable and on-going!
- We don’t foresee any shortages of Omega2 devices or changes to lead time through Q3 2022
- Our focus for the past year has been strengthening our supply chain – we’re happy to report this work is paying off
- Our distributors Mouser and Digikey are being continuously resupplied!
- See our Buy page for direct links for each product
- Accepting orders directly from customers
- Lead time is 12 weeks and other terms will apply
- See our volume ordering page for more details and to get in touch
- Lead time for direct orders – up to 12 weeks
- Lead time for orders from distributors – immediate
- Next replenishment of distributor stock – on-going
What should I do if…
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ as soon as possible
- Visit our distributors Mouser and Digikey. This is the absolute fastest way to get units.
- We’re continuously resupplying our distributors
- We recommend back-ordering if they are temporarily out of stock
- See our Buy page for direct links for each product
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ in the next quarter or later this year
- We’re accepting orders directly from customers. Get in touch through our volume ordering page and our sales team will work with you to get your order processed.
Where can I get more details on what’s going on?
Sept 12, 2021
Current status: π’π’
- Production is stable!
- We’ve made adjustments and planned ahead. Don’t foresee any shortages of Omega2 devices or changes to lead time through Q1 2022
- Our distributors Mouser and Digikey have all Omega2 devices in stock!
- See our Buy page for direct links for each product
- Accepting orders directly from customers!
- Lead time is 12 weeks and other terms will apply
- See our volume ordering page for more details and to get in touch
- Lead time for direct orders – up to 12 weeks
- Lead time for orders from distributors – immediate
What should I do if…
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ as soon as possible
- Visit our distributors Mouser and Digikey. This is the absolute fastest way to get units.
- They have all Omega2 devices in stock as of July 6, 2021.
- See our Buy page for direct links for each product
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ in the next quarter or later this year
- We’re accepting orders directly from customers. Get in touch through our volume ordering page and our sales team will work with you to get your order processed.
Where can I get more details on what’s going on?
July 6, 2021
Current status: π’
- We’re optimistic production should be stable going forward
- Our distributors Mouser and Digikey have all Omega2 devices in stock!
- See our Buy page for direct links for each product
- We have resumed accepting orders directly from customers!
- Lead time is 12 weeks and other terms will apply
- See our volume ordering page for more details and to get in touch
- Late July – Next distributor resupply shipments
What should I do if…
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ as soon as possible
- Visit our distributors Mouser and Digikey. This is the absolute fastest way to get units.
- They have all Omega2 devices in stock as of July 6, 2021.Β
- See our Buy page for direct links for each product
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ in the next quarter or later this year
- We’re now accepting orders directly from customers. Get in touch through our volume ordering page and our sales team will work with you to get your order processed.
Where can I get more details on what’s going on?
June 17, 2021
Current status: π‘ π’
- Producing in limited quantities
- Focusing on fulfilling existing orders and resupplying distributors
- Omega2S+ (OM-O2SP) and Omega2S (OM-O2S)Β resupply to Mouser has shipped
- Omega2S (OM-O2S) and Omega2 (OM-O2) resupply shipment to Digikey has gone out
- Temporarily not accepting new orders directly from customers
- July – Shipping next batch of Omega2S+ and Omega2S to Mouser
What should I do if…
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ as soon as possible
- Sit tight – we’re resupplying Mouser and Digikey as fast as we can. Going through Mouser or Digikey will be the absolute fastest way to get units. Check back with them in the coming days for available inventory!
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ in the next quarter or later this year
- Get in touch us and let us know your volume requirement and your best case timeline. This will help us plan accordingly and we’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as we start accepting customer orders again.
Where can I get more details on what’s going on?
June 2, 2021
Current status: π‘
- Producing in limited quantities
- Focusing on fulfilling existing orders and resupplying distributors
- First Omega2S+ (OM-O2SP) resupply shipments to Digikey and Mouser have gone out!
- More resupply shipments going out mid-June
- Temporarily not accepting new orders directly from customers
- Mid-June – Next Mouser and Digikey resupply shipments
- Estimating July – Fully caught up on existing orders (including Mouser and Digikey)
What should I do if…
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ as soon as possible
- Sit tight – we’re resupplying Mouser and Digikey as fast as we can. Going through Mouser or Digikey will be the absolute fastest way to get units. Check back with them in June.
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ in the next quarter or later this year
- Get in touch us and let us know your volume requirement and your best case timeline. This will help us plan accordingly and we’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as we start accepting customer orders again.
Where can I get more details on what’s going on?
May 18, 2021
Status: π‘
- Producing in limited quantities
- Focusing on fulfilling existing orders and resupplying distributors
- Temporarily not accepting new orders directly from customers
- June – Resupply Mouser and Digikey
- Estimating July – Fully caught up on existing orders (including Mouser and Digikey)
What should I do if…
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ as soon as possible
- Sit tight – we’re resupplying Mouser and Digikey as fast as we can. Going through Mouser or Digikey will be the absolute fastest way to get units. Check back with them in June.
What should I do if I need Omega2/2+/2S/2S+ in the next quarter or later this year
- Get in touch us and let us know your volume requirement and your best case timeline. This will help us plan accordingly and we’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as we start accepting customer orders again.