Welcome back to 2-Bullet Tuesday, where we’ll share useful tips and awesome stuff sent in by you, the users who made the Omega2 possible!


We have two things we would like to share today!

The Onion Amazon store is now open for business! Get all of your Onion gear with no-hassle two day shipping from Amazon in the US.

Check out the Onion Amazon Store!


And, the Omega2 Project Book is now available as a PDF download from the Onion Store! Over the course of 28 tutorials, it covers 22 different projects you can make with your own Omega!

Grab your copy today!


Favorite Project

Whoo! Our favorite project this week is a radio retrofitted with an Omega2 to stream radio from the internet! Each of the buttons is programmed to a specific radio station, and pressing each button will change the current station of the radio. The entire bottom part was fabricated to hold the Omega and nicely matches the aesthetic of the existing radio.

Hats off to Andreas Reischle, the creator of the radio! Check out his Youtube summary of the project and his blog post that outlines the project in detail, including schematics and code!

And that’s it for this week!

Let us know what kind of stuff you would like to see featured on 2-Bullet Tuesday! Send a tweet to @OnionIoT with your suggestions!


Thanks for reading! Have a great week!

P.S. — We’re still shipping crowd-funded packages on a daily basis! If you haven’t gotten yours yet, sit tight!