The second bullet of this week’s 2-Bullet Tuesday! Check out the first bullet here. Subscribe to receive the newsletter on the 2-Bullet Tuesday page!
Omega Tip
This week’s tip is a guest feature by Alvaro Viebrantz, covering how to cross compile Go programs for the Omega!
The guide covers:
- How to install GoLang on your computer
- Writing a hello world program that shows how to cross compile for the Omega2
- A classic hardware hello world: blinking an LED
- And a final, more advanced example that uses the popular net/http package to create web-based controls for an LED
GoLang is a great fit for your Omega projects because it makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient programs. All of the examples are available on GitHub.
Great work Alvaro! It’s great to see users bringing their favorite languages and tools to the Omega to make creating applications and projects a breeze.
Thanks for reading & have a great week!
Have you seen the Omega2S, the smaller and surface-mount version of the Omega2 for high volume commercial and industrial OEMs? See our Omega2S page for more details!
Let us know what kind of stuff you would like to see featured on 2-Bullet Tuesday! Send a tweet to @OnionIoT with your suggestions!
P.S. The Onion Online store Omega2+ inventory will be replenished sometime next week!
P.P.S. We’re going to be at the New York MakerFaire next weekend! Come by and say hello!