The second bullet of this week’s 2-Bullet Tuesday! Check out the first bullet here. Subscribe to receive the newsletter on the 2-Bullet Tuesday page!
We’re very proud to announce the latest addition to the Omega2 family, the Power Dock 2!
The Power Dock 2 is the new and improved version of our original Power Dock. Just like the original, it can power your Omega and peripherals with any 3.7V LiPo battery, allowing you to take your Omega project on the go!
The main addition to the new Power Dock 2 is the on-board ADC that allows the Omega to measure the voltage level of an attached LiPo battery. This will give you a better idea of how much juice is left in the battery! As a result of the ADC, we were able to free up GPIOs 18 and 19, so they are now available on the Expansion Header!
The original Power Dock is on the top and the Power Dock 2 is on the bottom! Spot the 10 differences!
To read the battery level, you’ll need to install the power-dock2
opkg update opkg install power-dock2
And you are all set! To check the battery’s voltage, issue the following command:
If you are familiar with the Power Dock, you would notice the battery level LEDs will turn on and the voltage will be read out on the terminal screen:
root@Omega-F04D:~# power-dock2 Battery Voltage Level: 4.29V
The Power Dock 2 is now available for pre-order on the Onion online store! We expect to start shipping in the first week of October.
Thanks for reading & have a great week!
Have you seen the Omega2S, the smaller and surface-mount version of the Omega2 for high volume commercial and industrial OEMs? See our Omega2S page for more details!
Let us know what kind of stuff you would like to see featured on 2-Bullet Tuesday! Send a tweet to @OnionIoT with your suggestions!
P.S. The Onion Online store Omega2+ inventory will be replenished sometime next week!